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On energy policy

The country is currently in a serious fiscal crisis because of a series of wrong financial and policy decisions made by the current and previous legislators on Capitol Hill.  Their failure to respond effectively to economic challenges resulted in millions of unemployed citizens and a huge national debt.  As of now, our Senate has no feasible plan on how to solve these serious and systemic problems.

The main solution being proposed by the Democrats is to turn to us, the tax-paying citizens, and make us reach into our pockets to help the government with bailouts and excessive spending on entitlement programs.  It has been historically proven that raising taxes at any time, and especially during an economic crisis, is not an answer to solve fiscal problems and it never will be.

Meanwhile, the federal government continues to increase spending that we, as a country, can't afford and the federal government does nothing of substance to take some pressure off business to get the economy moving again.  This vicious cycle cannot go on for much longer and the Senate must change their priorities dramatically if we want to turn our country around and become again the prosperous and free nation we used to be.

I believe that many of our problems resulted from the lack of action by many elected officials on Capitol Hill who spent so much time in Washington that they lost their motivation to act and to lead.  Entrenched, self-serving politicians are not effective and do not make the right decisions or produce results that would benefit the people of the Commonwealth and the nation.  I hope to bring fresh ideas and energy to Capitol Hill and work on the priorities of job creation, economic growth, reducing the national debt and restoring the values that make our country strong. 

We must face our challenges and take appropriate actions.  As U.S. Senator, I will work to focus on:

  Helping businesses create new jobs in Massachusetts and nationally

  Getting the federal spending under control and exercising fiscal responsibility

  Implementing tax policies that benefit individuals and businesses

  Reforming government programs to deliver services more efficiently and cost-effectively

  Imposing accountability and transparency in the federal government